
Gamified learning tools for an enriched educational experience.

· Project Goal: To revolutionize educational tools by creating a gamified learning platform tailored for children. · My Role: UX/UI Designer focused on developing engaging, child-friendly interfaces and user journeys. · Design cycle: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Iterate. · Impact: Significantly improved user engagement, making learning more enjoyable and effective for young users.


Technomatic Academy

My Role

Product Designer Visual Designer UI/UX Designer




April 2024

· Began with an initial meeting with stakeholders, Partents and children, to identify the product needs. · Developed comprehensive user flows, and high-fidelity designs. · Integrated chat functionality facilitates seamless interaction between school teachers and children, fostering a familiar social media-like experience. · Reels-style videos seamlessly link to a quiz section featuring trivia-styled questions and interactive games. · The design approach not only enhances the learning experience but also encourages active participation through familiar and engaging interfaces.

· As users complete games and quizzes, they earn experience points and level up subjects, enhancing engagement and providing a sense of accomplishment in the learning process. · My design was inspired by 'swipe-up' style social platforms and educational programmes, using engaging design patterns to transform learning into a fun and gamified adventure. · User interviews were key in developing this user journey map. Insights from these sessions identified the main pain points and needs, which directly shaped the journey. The findings also highlighted the importance of age-appropriate, engaging content and interactive elements to keep children motivated, leading to necessary iterations of the app.

· As users complete games and quizzes, they earn experience points and level up subjects, enhancing engagement and providing a sense of accomplishment in the learning process. · My design was inspired by 'swipe-up' style social platforms and educational programmes, using engaging design patterns to transform learning into a fun and gamified adventure. · User interviews were key in developing this user journey map. Insights from these sessions identified the main pain points and needs, which directly shaped the journey. The findings also highlighted the importance of age-appropriate, engaging content and interactive elements to keep children motivated, leading to necessary iterations of the app.

· As users complete games and quizzes, they earn experience points and level up subjects, enhancing engagement and providing a sense of accomplishment in the learning process. · My design was inspired by 'swipe-up' style social platforms and educational programmes, using engaging design patterns to transform learning into a fun and gamified adventure. · User interviews were key in developing this user journey map. Insights from these sessions identified the main pain points and needs, which directly shaped the journey. The findings also highlighted the importance of age-appropriate, engaging content and interactive elements to keep children motivated, leading to necessary iterations of the app.

Join us in revolutionising education with CuriosIT. Say goodbye to mindless scrolling and hello to an enriching journey where children can thrive while having fun. Our app bridges the gap between traditional learning and modern digital experiences, making education a dynamic and enjoyable process. Try it for yourself via the blue link to the interactive prototype found at the top of this page, and see how CuriosIT turns learning into an engaging and playful experience.

Get in touch today to discuss how I can elevate your digital presence with intuitive and impactful design solutions.

Get in touch today to discuss how I can elevate your digital presence with intuitive and impactful design solutions.

Get in touch today to discuss how I can elevate your digital presence with intuitive and impactful design solutions.